FCIC Commission Report: A Test Of Our Moral Fitness to Survive


(LPAC) – February 10, 2011 – (RealEstateRama) — Congressional candidate and LaRouche PAC organizer Kesha Rogers, who is running in Houston, TX as part of a six person national slate of LaRouche Democrats, issued the following statement today:

As economist Lyndon LaRouche has clearly and accurately stated, “The entire world system is collapsing because the British Empire is controlling it, and if we don’t get rid of the British Empire and fire this President, we’re lost.”

The recently released Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) report, which has essentially confirmed everything that LaRouche has emphasized for the last three decades, and vindicated every bit of his economic forecast, especially that of July 25, 2007, confirming that the last 30 years of economic policies have been an utter mistake, the ongoing bailout was a criminal fraud, and the crisis was preventable.

It was back in 2007 that LaRouche warned of a chain reaction collapse of the global financial monetary system, due to a fraudulent system of bailouts and financial speculation, while simultaneously proposing the only solution that would work. The enactment of his proposed Home Owners and Bank Protection Act of 2007, which was adopted by City Councils and State Legislatures across the country, would have halted the foreclosures of millions of Americans, (now causing social chaos in our cities and states), while simultaneously putting our banks through a Glass-Steagall bankruptcy reorganization. This would have wiped out the illegitimate debt that Wall Street is now holding our city and state budgets hostage with. Also on the table were proposals to rebuild the physical economy of the United States. These measures would have prevented the entirety of the crisis which the world has experienced since 2007. Despite LaRouche’s warnings, crooks in Congress, like bailout Barney Frank, who’s criminal intentions my colleague, LaRouche Democratic Candidate Rachel Brown exposed in a 2010 debate, and others, such as Sen. Chris Dodd and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, continued to push a policy of bailout for the speculators at the expense of the people, and millions of people were thrown out of their homes and suffered major losses as a result of it.

As LaRouche has continued to warn, the nation has no chance of surviving as long as Obama remains in the White House, and is not removed with the 25th amendment, section 4, of our U.S. Constitution. The release of the FCIC report, at the very moment when Obama issued his insane State of Disunion address, bragging of a non-existent economic recovery and stable economy, once again discredits Obama as a liar and a fraud, who has not changed and will not change, and must be removed.

The Angelides, FCIC report as LaRouche declared, is a flank against an already bankrupt British empire and it’s puppet in the White House, that’s out to sink the United States and the rest of the planet, and how we choose to respond to it is a true test of whether the United States is morally fit to survive, or not. That is why we must continue to wage the needed fight for the reinstatement of FDR’s 1933 Glass-Steagall law in the United States, and create 6-8 million productive jobs, by launching the North American Water and Power Alliance infrastructure platform for global development. Without this, there is no chance of addressing the devastating crisis hitting the world economy today, causing in many places, mass riots and demonstrations, due to food shortages and mass unemployment dominating especially the youth population in many parts of the world, now hopelessly left without a future.

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt passed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, he was reviving the same policy that was embodied in President Abraham Lincoln’s 1864 National Banking Act, the same policy passed down by Alexander Hamilton, whom Isaac Roosevelt (FDR’s grandfather) collaborated with.

It was through investment in the kind of industrial and scientific progress typified by FDR’s Tennessee Valley Authority, away from the predatory looting of the British Empire, and its Wall Street monetarist operatives, that declared that banking interests will have no access to the real wealth of society, either by speculating with it’s value, or by receiving taxpayer bailouts when those gambles inevitably fail. Ever since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, these same ‘unscrupulous money changers’ Roosevelt warned of, have moved to destroy every productive program and every piece of legislation that he put forward, including the Glass-Steagall Act, Social Security, nuclear power, and an international system of fixed exchange rates among national currencies, which would have eliminated forever the British Empire’s colonialism, which has reincarnated itself as “free trade globalization” today.

As one of six LaRouche Democratic candidates for U.S. Congress nationally, I am declaring that we must now wage a necessary war against a bankrupt British system of monetarism, just as Franklin Roosevelt did, and have the moral courage, in our Nation, to implement Glass-Steagall immediately, and regain our strength as a sovereign republic, and a model for productive physical economic development, and a mission for all human beings through the world.

Paul Mourino
Press Secretary
Kesha for Congress

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