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Restaurant property

LJS Dayton

The Boulder Group Arranges Sale of Net Lease Long John Silvers Property

The Boulder Group, a net leased investment brokerage firm, has completed the sale of a net leased Long John Silvers & A&W Restaurant property located at 2235 Needmore Road in Dayton, Ohio for $975,000.

Recent Boulder Group Press Releases

The Boulder Group Arranges Sale of Single Tenant Net Leased Chicago...

The Boulder Group, a net leased investment brokerage firm, has completed the sale of a single tenant net leased CVS property located at 7929 North Ave in River Forest, Illinois for $6,770,000.

Recent Boulder Group in News


Commercial Real Estate Hall of Fame: The Boulder Group’s Randy Blankstein

Each year, Midwest Real Estate News elects a new class to its Midwest Commercial Real Estate Hall of Fame. Our 2018 class has just been announced, and copies of that issue have been sent.

Recent Boulder Group Events

InterFace Net Lease

The Boulder Group’s Jimmy Goodman To Speak at Interface Net Lease...

Jimmy will be speaking on the Private Capital Investment Market Perspective panel. France Media's InterFace Conference Group, Northeast Real Estate Business and Shopping Center Businessare pleased to announce that the ninth annual InterFace Net