Get FEMA Rebuilding Advice at the Tifton Junior Woman’s Club Glow Run
ATLANTA – (RealEstateRama) — Are you repairing or rebuilding damaged property? Have questions about flood insurance? Want to protect your property from potential loss or damage from future disasters?
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) rebuilding specialists provide tips and advice on making homes stronger and safer and answer questions about protecting homes from future damage.
Advisers will be available Fri. Nov. 16 in Tifton, Tift County from 6 to 8 pm at:
Tifton Junior Woman’s Club Glow Run
Northside Baptist Church
4605 Murray Ave.
Tifton, GA 31794
Homeowners and businesses can get free information flyers, in English and Spanish, on cost-effective rebuilding and repair techniques to make homes more resistant to natural disasters. More information about strengthening property can be found at
While there, you can also speak with FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance specialists about your individual recovery. These experts can help register homeowners and renters who sustained uninsured or underinsured losses from Hurricane Michael and may be eligible for federal disaster assistance. They will have information on possible FEMA grants for housing and possible reimbursement for personal property losses.
FEMA’s mission: Helping people before, during, and after disasters.