Washington, D.C. – May 23, 2014 – (RealEstateRama) — U.S. Conference of Mayors President Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson issued the following statement today in response to Administration’s intent to nominate San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro to lead The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:
“The nation’s mayors congratulate Mayor Julián Castro on his appointment. Mayor Castro has proven to be one of the most dynamic mayors in the country and we are pleased that we will be working with him as HUD Secretary.
“Mayors supported and created HUD and have worked closely with the agency since, so we thank President Obama for appointing a young, capable mayor to head this key department. There are many critical programs that must be protected such as Community Development Block Grants and the Home Investment Partnership program. There are also many other challenges such as homelessness, Section 8 rental assistance and public housing that mayors will work with the new Secretary on to find solutions for our cities and their residents.
“We also thank Secretary Shaun Donovan for his outstanding leadership and look forward to working with him at the Office of Management and Budget.”
About The United States Conference of Mayors
The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are nearly 1,400 such cities in the country today, and each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/usmayors, or follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/usmayors
Elena Temple 202-286-1100
Lina Garcia 202-341-6113
Karen Hinton 703-798-3109