Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Authors Posts by CHAPA

Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association’s mission is to encourage the production and preservation of housing that is affordable to low and moderate income families and individuals and to foster diverse and sustainable communities through planning and community development.


Phone: 617-742-0820
Fax: 617-742-3953


DHCD Announces Supportive Housing NOFA

On August 29, 2017, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) released a supportive housing Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and other DHCD funding sources.

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $2.2 Million for Community Scale Housing Initiative

The Baker-Polito Administration awarded the inaugural $2.2 million round of Community Scale Housing Initiative awards for the development and construction of 36 new affordable rental housing units in Arlington, Norwell, and West Tisbury.

DHCD to Hold Information Sessions on Upcoming Rental Competitions

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will be holding multiple rental funding competitions during the next six to seven months. As described on DHCD's website (link is external), it intends to host a mini-competition for highly-ready family production projects in October 2017. In addition, DHCD is almost ready to release a NOFA for Housing Trust Fund (HTF) supportive housing projects, with full applications likely due in November 2017.

Conference Committee Releases FY2018 State Budget

The conference committee of leaders from the House and Senate released their FY2018 budget(link is external). For a table showing CHAPA's budget priorities in the conference budget, please click here(link is external).

DHCD Extends Comment Period to July 14th for Draft Guidelines for Calculating 40B General...

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has extended the deadline for submitting comments on Draft Guidelines(link is external) for calculating the 40B general land area minimum until July 14, 2017.

Senate Ways and Means Releases FY2018 State Budget Proposal

The Senate Committee on Ways and Means (SWM) released its FY2018 state budget proposal(link is external). The budget includes strong investments in affordable housing and homelessness prevention resources.

CHAPA Action Alert! Ask Your State Legislators to Co-Sponsor Bills to Support Affordable Housing,...

As the new legislative session begins, we ask for you to please reach out to your State Representative and State Senator to ask them to co-sponsor key bills in support of CHAPA’s Legislative Agenda for affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development in Massachusetts. If enacted, these bills will create housing opportunities that are affordable; reduce homelessness; help persons with disabilities find accessible, community-based housing; create jobs; and strengthen our communities.

The Kuehn Charitable Foundation Announces the Opening of the 2017-2019 Kuehn Fellowship Application Process

The Kuehn Charitable Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of its application process for the 2017-2019 Kuehn Fellowship. The Fellowship offers a two-year placement with paid stipend ($65,000) at one of seven active Greater Boston area housing nonprofits. There is additional support for launching a career in affordable housing development from the Fellow cohort and alumni, an individual mentor and monthly Fellow gatherings. The goals of the program are to both interest young people in the field and add capacity to the Massachusetts housing community.

Video Available from New England Housing Network Federal Forum: What will the Trump Administration...

Thank you to everyone who attended last week's New England Housing Network Federal Forum and discussed how to work together to advocate for affordable housing in the Trump Administration. The video from the forum is now available!

MCBC Announces Release of Changing Patterns XXIII

In Changing Patterns XXIII(link is external) the Massachusetts Community & Banking Council (MCBC) offers information on patterns of mortgage lending in the City of Boston, in Greater Boston, in Massachusetts, and in thirty-six large cities and towns. Specifically, the report examines

Please Support Families Affected by Cambridge Fire at Just-A-Start Affordable Housing Development

On December 3, a devastating fire damaged and destroyed many homes in Cambridge.  Just-A-Start, our partner in affordable housing and community development, owns St. Patrick's Place, an affordable housing development that was damaged by the fire. Unfortunately, 32 families living in this development were affected, many of whom lost everything in the fire.

DHCD Announces NOFA for Winter 2017 Affordable Housing Rental Round

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) announced a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the start of the winter 2017 affordable housing competition for rental projects

DHCD Publishes NOFA for National Housing Trust Fund

DHCD posted a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF).  DHCD will make available HTF and MRVP vouchers to help finance rental projects with support services for vulnerable populations

Business Real Estate Press Releases

Rayse Owns ‘Agent Value’ – A Bold New Approach to PropTech...

Rayse is redefining the real estate technology landscape, establishing itself as the undisputed leader in Agent Value. Unlike traditional PropTech, which has focused on automation and disintermediation, Rayse takes a completely different approach.

Recent Gov & Nonprofit Real Estate Press Releases