What to Do if You’re Moving with Pets

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Moving to a new house is a big undertaking and it can become even more daunting if pets are involved. However, with careful planning and packing, moving with pets can be an efficient and seamless experience. Below are a few tips to get you started.

Make Pet Arrangements on Moving Day

If you have cats or dogs, it may be wise to hire a pet-sitter or arrange for them to stay with a family member or friend on moving day. This can save you a lot of hassle in terms of reducing their stress and minimizing the potential for them to get in the way. Animal day-care centers and other similar services can also take pets for the day and ensure that they’re walked, fed, and played with.

Prepare an Overnight Kit

During the first few days of unpacking, make sure you pack an overnight kit full of pet food, bowls, treats, and so on, so that it’s readily accessible. You don’t want to pack everything away and then have to root around to find it when your pet is hungry!

Keep Pets Separated from the Action

Once you’ve moved in, it’s also a good idea to create a safe space for your pet so that they’re not surrounded by the chaos of unpacking. In some cases, you may want to set up a pet space so that they can stay confined until most of the unpacking is done.

Stick to a Routine

Moving can be a stressful experience for pets, especially for cats who love routine. Where possible, try to stick to the same routine that you had in your previous home. Whether it’s specific feeding and walk times, keeping to a routine or schedule will help minimize the stress of the move on your beloved animals.

Notify Your Removal Company

Most removal companies will ask ahead of time, but if they haven’t, make sure you tell them about any pets, especially when it comes to tank animals like snakes or fish. The company will likely need to make special arrangements if you have exotic pets so it’s a good idea to let them know before they arrive.

Register with a Vet

Registering with a vet in your new neighborhood is also important. You never know when your pet may get sick, so it’s good to at least know where the closest veterinarian is to your new home. If you’re unsure and you’re renting, your total property management company should also be able to advise you about services in the area.

Familiarize Your Pet with Their New Home

For cats and dogs, it’s important for them to feel safe in their new neighborhood. If you have a dog, take them for a walk right away so that they can take in the scents and sights around them. Cats will also want to get a sense of their new surroundings, but it may be wise to leave them indoors for a short time to let them get adjusted to the house first. Over time, you can let them out to explore the backyard and local neighborhood.



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