HHS awards $17 million to support innovations to strengthen the Federal Home Visiting Program


WASHINGTON, D.C. — (RealEstateRama) — Today the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced $17 million in funding for the Federal Home Visiting Programs in 13 states. This funding will support Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Federal Home Visiting Program awardees in the development, implementation, and evaluation of innovations to strengthen and improve delivery of coordinated and comprehensive high-quality voluntary services to eligible families.


“These funds aim to develop and implement innovations targeted to home visiting program delivery needs and to generate and disseminate new knowledge in the field,” said HRSA Acting Administrator Jim Macrae.  “The nine awardees will work with other grantees so in the end these funds will have impact in thirteen states.”

Administered by HRSA, in close partnership with the Administration for Children and Families, the Federal Home Visiting Program aims to improve the essential foundations in early childhood for future healthy development and well-being.

Each awardee proposed an innovation that is expected to demonstrate improvement in at least one of four identified program areas: (1) recruitment, engagement, and retention of eligible families to HRSA-funded home visiting programs; (2) development and retention of a trained, highly skilled HRSA-funded home visiting workforce; (3) coordination of HRSA-funded home visiting programs with community resources and supports, including comprehensive statewide and/or local early childhood systems, such as child health, behavioral health, and human services systems; and (4) implementation of effective continuous quality improvement processes in HRSA-funded home visiting programs.

“Such innovations provide a significant next step in strengthening home visiting services,” said Acting Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Mark Greenberg. “Efforts include developing a community model for tribal communities; supporting clients with mental health needs by employing home visitation; and using a two-generation approach to education and employment for vulnerable children and their parents or caregivers.”

Today’s awards build on the nearly $345 million in funding to 55 state and territory Federal Home Visiting Program grantees.  This will strengthen the Department’s commitment to delivering coordinated and comprehensive evidence-based home visiting services to women during pregnancy, and to parents with young children up to kindergarten entry.

This funding comes from the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015.

For more information on HRSA’s Home Visiting Program, visit http://mchb.hrsa.gov/programs/homevisiting.

For a list of awardees, visit http://mchb.hrsa.gov/home-visiting/innovationawards.


The Health Resources and Services Administration is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  HRSA is the primary Federal agency responsible for improving access to health care services for people who are uninsured, isolated, or medically vulnerable.  For more information about HRSA and its programs, visit www.hrsa.gov.


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