Kathie Gajda with The Gajda & Gutbrod Real Estate Corner his Website Using IDX Broker Software
EUGENE, OR – September 22, 2011 – (RealEstateRama) — With new accounts being set up each day, IDX, Inc. is pleased to welcome real estate agent Kathie Gajda with The Gajda & Gutbrod Real Estate Corner in Greenville, South Carolina to the every growing list of real estate professionals customizing the search function of their website with IDX Broker software. Visitors to Gajda’s site can now search the thousands of properties available on the Greater Greenvile MLS (GGMLS) and create custom searches to help them narrow down their results. Using Internet Data Exchange (IDX) technology, search options and results are displayed on Gajda’s website in a seamlessly integrated format.