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MBA Welcomes 14 New Members

WASHINGTON, D.C. – September 30, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) announced that in August it welcomed 14 new regular members to its ranks, which currently numbers more than 2,200 member companies.

MBA welcomes the following new members:

Bogman Inc. – Silver Spring, MD
Broadview Mortgage Corporation – Orange, CA
CBC Mortgage Agency – Boise, ID
Checkered Flags, Inc. – Irvine, CA
Christensen Financial, Inc. – Longwood, FL
FirstMerit Mortgage, a Division of FirstMerit Bank, N.A. – Akron, OH
Golden State Finance Authority – Sacramento, CA
HML Investments – Los Angeles, CA
Illini Bank – Springfield, IL
Peoples Home Equity, Inc. – Knoxville, TN
Pinnacle Bank – Elberton, GA
ReadyCapital Structured Finance – New York, NY
South Carolina State Housing Finance Development Authority – Columbia, SC
Tandem Mortgage, Inc. – Northridge, CA

Rob Van Raaphorst

(202) 557- 2799