Senators Bob Corker and Mark Warner to Discuss a Bipartisan Path for the Mortgage Market at July 17th Bipartisan Policy Center Event
WASHINGTON, D.C. – July 9, 2013 – (RealEstateRama) — Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Mark Warner (D-VA) introduced bipartisan legislation last month to address the nation’s troubled housing finance system. Senators Corker and Warner will discuss the details of the proposal and prospects for housing finance reform at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) on Wednesday, July 17 at 8:30AM.
Nick Timiraos, Housing Reporter for The Wall Street Journal, will moderate the discussion.
Follow the discussion on Twitter @BPC_Bipartisan and Instagram @BPC_Bipartisan.
The event is open to press, but space is limited. If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP to or register here.
Senator Bob Corker (R-TN)
Senator Mark Warner (D-VA)
Nick Timiraos
Housing Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
A Bridge-Builder Breakfast: A Bipartisan Path for the Mortgage Market
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
8:30 – 9:30AM
Breakfast available at 8:00AM
Bipartisan Policy Center
1225 Eye Street NW
Suite 1000, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005
Washington, D.C. – Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Mark Warner (D-VA) introduced bipartisan legislation last month to address the nation’s troubled housing finance system. Senators Corker and Warner will discuss the details of the proposal and prospects for housing finance reform at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) on Wednesday, July 17 at 8:30AM.
Nick Timiraos, Housing Reporter for The Wall Street Journal, will moderate the discussion.
Follow the discussion on Twitter @BPC_Bipartisan and Instagram @BPC_Bipartisan.
The event is open to press, but space is limited. If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP to or register here.
Senator Bob Corker (R-TN)
Senator Mark Warner (D-VA)
Nick Timiraos
Housing Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
A Bridge-Builder Breakfast: A Bipartisan Path for the Mortgage Market
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
8:30 – 9:30AM
Breakfast available at 8:00AM
Bipartisan Policy Center
1225 Eye Street NW
Suite 1000, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005
Ashley Berrang
Twitter | @ABerrang