The financial industry consists of many professionals specializing in areas involving tax advisement. Among the familiar and found to be reliable in the field, tax attorneys in Raleigh and surrounding areas essentially handle cases for firms or organizations and individuals in a couple of scenarios. Go here for reasons you might need a tax attorney.
A “planning” lawyer is more attuned to helping companies and individuals with exceptional wealth to establish their financial affairs so that the tax burden is lessened and reduces the chance of an audit.
This same attorney can assist a new entrepreneur with their startup or help an existing business owner grow their company.
A “controversy” lawyer will deal with investigations or actions initiated by the IRS or state boards. If you have substantial tax debt, this attorney can assist in negotiating or determining how to settle the situation with guidance on an adequate investigation response.
The lawyer will act on your behalf in court and be your voice of communication with the government. Go to for details on when to hire a tax attorney, and then examine why you might need a tax attorney in Raleigh.
How Will You Know When You Need A Tax Attorney
Financial issues can arise above your scope of knowledge, requiring a bit more expertise. Fortunately, Raleigh and the surrounding area are home to many prominent tax attorneys who can handle complex tax situations.
These experts work to ensure their clients become educated on the laws, assist with settling IRS disputes, offer tax-relief guidance, or branch into an estate, business, or corporate taxes.
If you were filing a general, basic tax return, working with a tax attorney would only be necessary if you felt more comfortable with that service. However, in specific situations, the individual would be at the most significant advantage to a client.
Consider these suggestions when trying to discern if you should hire a professional tax attorney in Raleigh.
• Tax disputes
When you have tax disputes or debts owed to the IRS or Internal Revenue Service, it’s wise to reach out for the assistance of a reputed, trusted Raleigh tax attorney like those at Cumberland Law Group LLC.
The IRS is a complex, regulated, and intricate system that can be challenging for the average person to navigate without legal assistance when the government
body has initiated an investigation. The language alone can be difficult to translate without the added effort of settling a dispute or trying to negotiate a debt.
When hiring a tax attorney, the professional will take over the communications with the IRS, acting in an almost mediator capacity translating their verbiage into a language you can more readily understand.
The lawyer will help you to work towards an amicable agreement with the dispute or reach a settlement on the debt.
These experts understand your situation and are familiar with the many solutions available in tax relief to ensure the optimum debt settlement that will accommodate your circumstances and satisfy the government.
• A startup or growing a business
When a “green” entrepreneur sets out to start a new company or an existing business owner hopes to expand, reaching out to a tax attorney is an essential step for assisting with the plethora of tax issues that come with running an enterprise or running a startup.
The stated goal for a tax attorney with these business leaders is described as “helping to maximize strategies for minimizing taxes and navigating potential audits.”
The more money you save in taxes, the greater your return on your investment and your bottom line. Click to learn how a tax lawyer can help your business.
What Should A Client Look For When Hiring A Tax Attorney
As with any service, the quality of each professional will vary broadly. The effort in finding a suitable tax attorney to assist with your services will be based on the diligence you extend in researching for a qualified expert in the field.
If you have a private attorney you use for general purposes; this individual could offer suggestions on peers specializing in taxes capable of handling your circumstances.
Suppose you’re new to speaking with anyone on legal matters. In that case, a first step might be reaching out to a financial counselor or advisor since these professionals will have access to lists of reputable professionals in your local Raleigh area. A few other factors to consider when searching for the ideal tax lawyer include the following:
• The license
Attorneys need to have a license to practice in their state. You can visit the bar association website for your state to confirm an attorney’s license.
• The PTIN or Preparer Tax Identification Number
A tax attorney has one responsibility that includes federal tax return preparation. The professionals who prepare these documents include tax lawyers, CPAs or Certified Public Accountants, or other experts in the field who do the forms. It’s necessary to have a Preparer Tax Identification Number or PTIN.
• Expertise and qualifications
A qualifying document for a tax attorney will be their law degree. From that point, you will look for specialties, including branching into taxes or obtaining licensure as a CPA.
When looking for a tax lawyer, look for someone with years in the industry working on cases that are specifically related to your particular circumstances. If you have an estate that you need help with or perhaps a trust, you’ll need a lawyer designated as a “CTEP or AEP / LLM in estate planning.”
• Client references or testimonials
Look on the attorney’s website for client testimonials or references, or go online to see if you can find these, good or not-so-good, from previous or current clients. You can learn as much from the good as you can from those that had an unpleasant experience.
Perhaps the attorney responded and was able to settle the unsatisfactory turnout. That will play in their favor.

Final Thought
Taxes bring a semblance of intimidation with the mere mention of the word for the average person. No one wants to deal with the IRS when there are discrepancies or disputes with the government over tax issues.
They want someone knowledgeable, professional, and qualified, like a tax attorney in Raleigh. It’s not always the nightmare you imagine when taxes are involved, but a tax lawyer can help you realize that and bring you the peace of mind we all need in such moments.