Single Women Homeownership Skyrockets


New York, NY – April 25, 2011 – (RealEstateRama) — In the last 8 years single women buying homes has raised 50%. They now account for 22% of all home sales, an estimated 1.5 million home sales. Single women consists of women of all ages and walks of life including age ranges of 20’s through seniors, divorced women, single moms, & childless women.

For the first time single women have out done single male home owners that equal 17% of all home sales. The biggest segment of home buyers remains married couples who manage to buy 60% of all homes.

There are many factors that have made these numbers increase so dramatically. More and more women are excelling in their careers, and asserting their independence to own the American Dream. The news however, is not all good for these homeowners. According to ConstructionConfidant.Com, single women homeowners of all ages are routinely targeted by home improvement scammers. They simply rely on the fact that most women will be unfamiliar with common construction practices will look to exploit that fact.  That’s not to say that women haven’t succeeded in the construction industry, or are gullible, it just means that according to the numbers, the home improvement industry continues to be a male dominated field.

That being said, anyone can fall victim to a scam, every year, bad weather damages or destroys thousands of homes. Some communities are nearly wiped out all together. People are in such a rush to repair their homes that they fall for quick finish dates & low prices without doing their due diligence. Did you know that home improvement contractors ranked numbers 3 & 6 out of all consumer complaints in 2010 and the routinely are in the top 3 of all complaints annually? It’s not always an obvious scam, it’s not always enough to read your contract with a home improvement contractor, you have to understand it. For tips on home improvement projects visit  ConstructionConfidant.Com.

About Tina Chamberland
Tina has been educating homeowners about contracotrs and scams for years, she has recently created a blog that can be seen at ConstructionConfidant.Com

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